eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 12 review

eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 12 review – does it clean medium-pile carpet?

 Eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 12 is a sleek, slim, convenient, and effective robot vacuum. Through the combination of 1500Pa of suction, a high-quality brushing system, BoostIQ Technology, and a slim design, this robot vacuum delivers a vacuuming experience that is very convenient, and extremely effective. The slim 2.85” body with an upgraded 1500Pa only cleans glides under furniture to vacuum where you can’t see. Automatically increases suction power within 1.5 seconds when extra vacuuming strength is needed to get the best clean. Discover more in eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 12 review.

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Pros and cons – eufy RoboVac 12 with BoostIQ technology


  • Bunch of accessories in the box
  • Quiet when vacuuming
  • Short body allows the robot to get under most furniture
  • Big dustbin holds more dust and debris making the Eufy 12 suitable for pet owners
  • Affordable price tag
  • Strong suction is enough to clean hard floor, thin and thicker carpets up to 16 mm
  • Decent battery life that covers a cleaning area of a small and average-sized home
  • BoostIQ technology automatically increases suction power within 1.5 seconds when extra vacuuming strength is needed to get the best clean.


  • No Wi-Fi support doesn’t have an app
  • Random navigation
  • Not suitable for carpets thicker than 16 mm.

eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 12 specifications

Main Features

  • Mapping / Path planning: no
  • Automatically Docks and Recharges: yes
  • Noise Level : 55 db
  • LCD Display :no
  • Side Brushes (one or two) :2 pcs
  • Voice Prompts: no

Cleaning Features

  • Suction Power: 1500 Pa
  • Сleaning Area: 1292 ft2 / 120 m2
  • Dustbin Capacity: 600 ml
  • Automatic Dirt Disposal: no
  • Wet Mopping: no
  • Barrier-cross Height : 0.63 in / 16 mm
  • HEPA Filter: no
  • Washable Filter: no


  • Battery Capacity :2600 mAh
  • Run time: 100 min
  • Charging Time: N/A
  • Rated Power (Watts): N/A


  • Scheduling: yes
  • IR Remote Control: yes
  • Wi-Fi / Smartphone App: no
  • Wi-Fi Frequency Bands: N/A
  • Amazon Alexa Support: no
  • Google Assistant Support: no
  • Magnetic/Optical Virtual Walls: no


  • Carpet Boost: yes
  • Anti-drop / Cliff Sensor: yes
  • Dirt Detect : no
  • Full Bin Indicator: no

Other Specifications

Robot Weight: 5.73 lbs / 2.6 kg
Robot Width: 12.80 in / 32.5 cm
Robot Height: 2.87 in / 7.3 cm

Compare eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 12  vs RoboVac 11S vs RoboVac 30

eufy RoboVac 12 with BoostIQ technologyRoboVac 11SRoboVac 30RoboVac 30C
Max Suction Power1500Pa1300Pa1500Pa1500Pa
BoostIQ Technology2nd Gen2nd Gen2nd Gen2nd Gen
Product Height2.85 in2.85 in2.85 in2.85 in
Climbing Threshold0.63 in0.63 in0.63 in0.63 in
Boundary Strips13.2 ft13.2 ft
Dust Collector Capacity0.6L0.6L0.6L0.6L
Wi-Fi Compatible
Works with Amazon Alexa

eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 12  review

eufy RoboVac 12 with BoostIQ Technology

With a suction pressure of 1500Pa, there’s no denying that this robot vacuum is a powerful cleaning device capable of deep cleaning your carpets and hard floors. However, all this suction is not always needed. Sometimes you only need a fraction of it to pick up some loose debris on your hard floor.

To get the best runtime while still staying powerful enough to dislodge embedded dirt from your carpets, Eufy has incorporated the BoostIQ technology into this robot. Essentially, this technology enables the vacuum to save power by reducing the suction level when working on hard floors and boosting the suction when the robot reaches carpeted areas.


As we mentioned earlier, Eufy RoboVac robots are slimmer than most other robots. With a height of 2.85 inches, this one is no exception. This slim body enables it to go to parts of your home where no other robots could go. Arguably, this robot can go to places where even brooms can’t easily reach.

As a result of this design, this robot is particularly effective in tight spots like under the bed, under the couch or under that entertainment cabinet that is so hard to clean. Even with its low height, it has a diameter of 12.8 inches which means that the cleaning path is just as wide as most other robot vacuums. This means that the robot won’t have to make too many passes to cover your home’s floor area.

Eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 12 Robot Vacuum
eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 12 review


This robot may be an entry-level robot, but that does not mean that it looks cheap. With an anti-scratch tempered glass-top cover, it looks and feels as premium as its high-end counterparts. The tempered glass also means that there will be no ugly scratches even after years of use navigating tight spaces.

Eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 12
eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 12 review


The speed at which a robot vacuum will complete a cleaning job will be determined to a great extent by the width of the cleaning path. With two edge spinning brushes, this robot vacuum is able to cover a wider area than most robot vacuums that come with a single brush.

Battery Life – eufy RoboVac 12 with BoostIQ technology

You would think that this robot comes with a mediocre battery life because it is an entry-level robot vacuum. That would be wrong because the battery in this robot is the exact same one used in the high-end models like the RoboVac 15C and 30C.

This means that you will be able to get the same battery life that these high-end models have without having to spend the extra money. With a full charge, the RoboVac 12 will give you up to 100 minutes of powerful cleaning performance. Once the vacuum detects that the battery is running low, it will find its way back to the charging dock for a charge.

Dust cup size

The size of the dust box will determine how many trips you will need to make to the trash before the robot is done cleaning your home. With a 0.6L dust box, there’s more than enough room for storing the dirt and debris for a number of cleaning cycles before you need to make that trip to the trash.

Triple Filter System

To ensure that none of the fine particles collected from the floor end up in your indoor air, this vacuum makes use of a triple layer filter system. This system will start by passing the air through a dual layer filter that will get rid of a majority of the particles. After that, the air is passed through a third high-performance filter that gets rid of any small particles that could have escaped the first two filters. This way, you are sure that the air released back to your home is clean and free from small impurities.

Sensors for anti-drop

Robot vacuums are not cheap. You don’t want to see your robot tumbling down the stairs after you leave it cleaning the upper level. Fortunately, this is something that you won’t need to worry about when you buy this robot vac.

It comes equipped with anti-drop sensors and infra-red sensors for avoiding collisions with obstacles. This way, you can rest assured that your vacuum is safe even if you leave it to clean with no supervision.

Eufy RoboVac 12 Robot Vacuum
eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 12 review

Remote Control

The top of the unit has a quick start cleaning button, but that’s not all you can do with this device. The included remote enables you to do much more. You can choose from a number of cleaning modes, set a daily cleaning schedule or even send the robot to the charging dock.

The four cleaning modes are auto-cleaning, edge cleaning, spot cleaning, and quick cleaning. The buttons are illustrated to ensure that you give the right commands and there is a small display screen that tells you the scheduled cleaning time, the current time, the chosen cleaning mode and if BoostIQ is on.

Cleaning Modes – eufy RoboVac 12 with BoostIQ technology

Eufy RoboVac 12 features several cleaning modes:

Single room mode is short cleaning mode used for vacuuming single rooms (hence the name). Since Eufy RoboVac 12 doesn’t support magnetic strips, in order to limit its range of cleaning, one has to close the doors.

Auto cleaning: unit automatically cleans the area using its onboard sensors to navigate the room and avoid bumping into the objects and obstacles. If required, unit will automatically activate BoostIQ feature – generally on the carpets and for vacuuming areas with more dirt. When the battery charge drops (usually below 20%), unit stops with the cleaning and return to the charging base, recharge and wait for the next scheduled cleaning. Again, Eufy RoboVac 12 doesn’t feature ‘recharge and resume’ option.

Spot cleaning mode is intended for cleaning the spots with increased amount of dirt. Unit moves in spiral pattern and cleans required area.

Edge mode is intended for vacuuming the edges of the walls. When the unit detects the wall, it follows the wall and vacuum its edge.

 Eufy RoboVac 12 Maintenance

Eufy RoboVac 12 is not maintenance free unit. On the contrary, it must be maintained regularly, just like most of the robotic vacuums on the market.

eufy robovac 12 kit
eufy RoboVac 12 with BoostIQ technology

Side brushes: clean them when they get dirty. When worn out, replace them.

Dirt bin: empty the dirt bin after each cleaning, especially if there are heavily soiled areas that unit vacuums.

Sensors: in order for the unit to properly sense the cleaning area and to avoid bumping into the walls and other objects or falling down the stairs, clean the sensors.

Main brushroll: remove regularly entangled hair, lint and other similar debris. When the brushroll is worn out, replace it.

Air filters: plastic mesh filter and foam filter can be washed using running water – dry them thoroughly before returning them into the unit. Pleated air filter can be tapped onto the hard surface and can be even vacuumed using ordinary vacuum cleaner. After some time, depending on the use and dirt type, it is recommended to replace the foam filter and the pleated filter.

Wheels and charging contacts: clean them periodically, especially if there are hairs wrapped around the wheel’s shafts.

Is there any better alternative?

The Eufy RoboVac 12 vs the Ecovacs N79S

Eufy more than holds its own when compared to other up-and-coming robot vacuum brands. Take a look at how the Eufy RoboVac 12 compares to the Ecovacs Deebot N79S.

Both models share features that make robot vacuums solid performers, such as a triple-filtration system and an auto-recharging function. Two side brushes and one brushroll provide deep-cleaning power, and an anti-scratch cover protects both robots. A remote control allows you to put either robot vacuum in auto, edge, spot or small-room mode. Alternatively, you can begin an auto-vacuuming session by pushing the onboard start button.

Eufy 12 vs. Ecovacs N79S
eufy robovac 12 with boostiq technology

What makes the Ecovacs N79S different from the Eufy RoboVac 12? Wi-Fi connectivity is one of two areas where the N79S takes the lead. The N79S robot vacuum lets you give it voice commands through Alexa or Google, and you can control all of its functions with your smartphone. While a 100-minute runtime is nothing to sneer at, the Ecovacs N79S runs for 20 minutes longer on a full charge.

Despite its 120-minute runtime and Wi-Fi, there are many features on the RoboVac 12 that are better developed. The Ecovacs N79S’s Max Mode produces 1,000 pascals of suction, and it climbs heights as tall as 0.55 inches, making it great for vacuuming low-pile carpet. With the RoboVac 12’s 1,500 pascals of suction and 0.63-inch climbing ability, the RoboVac 12 can handle medium-pile carpet and higher surface transitions.

Although the RoboVac 12’s suction is stronger, Eufy manages to make it quieter at 55 decibels. This is 15 decibels lower than the Ecovacs N79S. Think of the Eufy model’s sound as the soft hum of a refrigerator and the Ecovacs model’s sound as the glug of a running dishwasher.

The Eufy 12 can also fit into more tight spots than the Ecovacs N79S thanks to the Eufy 12’s height of 2.85 inches. In comparison, the Ecovacs is taller, measuring 3.11 inches in height. The Eufy 12 model can also hold 0.17 liters more of debris, equating to fewer trips to the garbage can.

The RoboVac 12 vs. the RoboVac 15C

Both the Eufy RoboVac 12 and the RoboVac 15C are excellent robotic vacuum cleaners in their own right. The RoboVac 12’s best features are its short height of 2.85 inches and extra-strong suction of 1,500 pascals. These two features mean the Eufy 12 can lift any piece of debris from almost any surface.

A direct comparison of the Eufy 12 to the Eufy 15C shows that these robot vacuums share many of the same great features. Their height measures the same, and they boast a 100-minute runtime. You can program a cleaning schedule for either robot with a remote control. The remote also allows you to choose from one of four vacuuming modes. Plus, these two models share the same-size dirt box and triple-filtration system.

Eufy 12 vs. Eufy 15C
eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 12 review

While each one comes with a remote, the RoboVac 15C offers Wi-Fi connectivity at a slightly higher price point. This means you can use the EufyHome smartphone app to manually control the robot, receive notifications and immediately locate the robot vacuum. The 15C is also compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant for voice control.

Despite the extras that come along with Wi-Fi, the Eufy RoboVac 15C maxes out at 1,300 pascals with BoostIQ activated. This level of suction is impressive for a robotic vacuum cleaner. However, the 15C’s suction isn’t as strong as the RoboVac 12’s 1,500 pascals. Again, this makes the Eufy 12 the better choice for people who have children or pets.

The Eufy RoboVac 12 vs. the iRobot Roomba 690

Eufy is also a formidable competitor to popular, established brands like iRobot. Here’s how the Eufy RoboVac 12 and the iRobot Roomba 690 stack up to one another.

Stairs are no danger and carpets are no problem for neither the Eufy RoboVac 12 nor the iRobot Roomba 690. Each robot vacuum has treaded wheels that plow through carpet fiber. They also have anti-fall sensors that keep them safe form long drops. A lithium-ion battery promises no suction reduction, and the robots are designed to automatically dock and recharge.

Eufy 12 vs. iRobot- Roomba 690

With either robot vacuum, you can a suction increase when the Roomba 690’s dirt-detect and the RoboVac 12’s BoostIQ are engaged. An auto-clean button allows the robots to start cleaning with just a button press, and you can schedule the robot vacuums to clean at the same time each day.

The Roomba 690 is another Wi-Fi equipped robot vacuum, which means smartphone control is available. It also works with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. A dual-mode virtual wall barrier lets you contain or block the 690. This iRobot’s under-plate raises and lowers for close contact with the floor, and counter-rotating brushrolls enhance its pickup power.

Although two brushrolls help, the Roomba 690 only generates 600 decibels, which is a far cry from the 1,500 pascals pushed out by the RoboVac 12. Even with over twice the suction power, the RoboVac 12’s 55 decibels is quieter than the Roomba 690’s 68 decibels. The Eufy 12 lasts 10 minutes longer, has a carbon filter and pre-filter and a larger bin. Additionally, it’s almost 1 inch shorter than the Roomba 690.

The RoboVac 12 vs. the RoboVac 30C

Like the 15C, the RoboVac 30C’s claim to fame is its Wi-Fi connectivity. With the Eufy 30C robot vacuum’s smartphone app, you can guide the robot turn by turn if you wish. The EufyHome app also offers the find-my-robot function, which is helpful for those who live in spacious houses. The Wi-Fi even extends to voice commands via Alexa and Assistant.

When it comes to suction power, the RoboVac 12 and the RoboVac 30C are on the same playing field. Each one generates 1,500 pascals of suction when the automatic BoostIQ Technology is activated. The RoboVac 12, 15C and 30C are able to climb the same heights. They all offer the same filtration system, dirt-bin size, three-point brush configuration, 100-minute runtime and auto-recharging.

Eufy 12 vs. Eufy 30C

Regardless of their many similarities, the Eufy RoboVac 30C is the only model that comes with boundary tape. In total, the two rolls of magnetic tape span 13 feet. The tap can be cut to size to create a no-cross area, which is perfect for protecting floor vases or fragile antiques. Even though all three robot vacuums are affordable for the average household, the RoboVac 12 is best for the budget-conscious.

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