Fitbit and MyFitnessPal - How to connect and synchronize

Fitbit and MyFitnessPal – How to connect and synchronize

Connect MyFitnessPal to Fitbit

Fitbit’s app is pretty comprehensive by itself, but you can also connect your Fitbit to some third-party apps for a more thorough view of your health. For example, while the Fitbit app has its own library of food items you can log to track calories, MyFitnessPal has a much richer selection and a more in-depth app focused on diet monitoring. If you connect MyFitnessPal to your Fitbit app, you can get all the benefits of a huge food-tracking system added to Fitbit’s calorie burn estimates for a clearer picture of how your diet impacts your overall health.

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1. Open MyFitnessPal.

2. Tap Apps & Devices in the drop-down menu.

3. Tap Fitbit Tracker.

4. Tap Connect.

5. Log in to your Fitbit account and tap Allow MyFitnessPal to finish the process.

You can also link your Fitbit account with dozens of other apps such as Weight Watchers, Endomondo, MapMyRun, Runkeeper and more, by following a similar process.

Fitbit and MyFitnessPal not syncing 2019

If it appears Fitbit and MyFitnessPal are not syncing, and you checked our status page at: and nothing has yet been reported, there are a few things you can try on your end to resolve the issue.

Verify Your Fitbit and MyFitnessPal Accounts Are Linked

First, make sure MyFitnessPal and Fitbit have successfully connected. You can verify the connection on our full website at . Once you are logged in to the site, click the main “Apps” tab. On the right-hand edge of that page you should see “Your Apps” and underneath,  Fitbit should be listed. If Fitbit is not showing in Your Apps, click on Fitbit in the list of partner apps, and click the “Connect” option.

Forcing a Fitbit Sync

Once you have verified Fitbit is connected, you can try to force a sync. First, make sure your Fitbit has synced to the Fitbit dashboard. If you are unable to sync your Fitbit device to the Fitbit dashboard, please contact Fitbit support at

Once data is flowing from your device to Fitbit, you can manually add a cardio exercise to your MyFitnessPal diary, such as walking for two minutes (you can delete the entry later if you like). Within 15 minutes (usually sooner) this should force a sync for your Fitbit adjustment.

Please remember, even if the adjustment says “0” your accounts have successfully synced, and you can either click the “i” on the adjustment line on the MyFitnessPal website, or tap directly on the adjustment in any of our mobile apps, to view the details of the adjustment. For more information on the actual adjustment please see:

You can verify sync has occurred by comparing your last Fitbit dashboard information to that shown in the adjustment explanation. Under the Fitbit Calories Burned, you should see in parenthesis “based on x amount of calories at x time”. It is that information that should match your last Fitbit dashboard sync. If not, the sync has still not gone through.

Still No Fitbit Adjustment?

If you do not see any line for Fitbit, or any number including a zero in the adjustment area, then there is still a problem.  If you’ve already waited a few hours, you can then try following these Exact steps to see if they help.

– Go to our main website at, then to the Apps tab, then find Fitbit on the right, click on it and then disconnect.

– Then log into your Fitbit account at, click the gear icon, then settings, next click Applications, then Click the blue ‘Revoke Access’ button and revoke access for MyFitnessPal

– It’s important to make sure Fitbit has been disconnected on both MyFitnessPal and Fitbit

-Once disconnected, please wait 15 minutes

– Go back to website (not the Fitbit or MFP app) and relink your Fitbit device via the main Apps tab, or

– Once you have reconnected, go back to the Apps tab online and make sure Fitbit is now showing on the right hand side of the page under Your Apps

Fitbit Step Sync

Please make sure Fitbit has also been elected as the main Steps source (you can only use one Step tracker in the program at a time). To do this, in the apps, go to the Menu (or “More” screen), then Settings, then Steps, and make sure Fitbit only has a check next to it. Or online go to the Apps tab, then the sub tab Steps, or

If you have Fitbit elected as your Step source, but are still not seeing steps sync, try electing not to have a step source at all, then force quit the program, sign back in and elect Fitbit as your Step source once more. If using an iOS device, please make sure to also activate motion.

If you are still having issues, please double check your time zones and profile information on both programs to make sure they are exactly the same. This should be available in the Settings of both programs.

If after trying all trouble shooting options, you still do not see a sync, we would recommend waiting 24 hours for any delays to catch up. We usually sync data within 15 minutes of activity, but in some instances there are technical issues that may prevent sync from being immediate.

If we are experiencing longer than usual delays, we typically post on or the Announcement section of our FAQ page.

If there is no indication we are experiencing issues and your sync is delayed over 24 hours, please email our team at this link. Let us know your MyFitnessPal username, as well as your Fitbit ID number, which can be found by signing into your Fitbit account, then clicking on your profile picture, which will take you to your Fitbit Profile. Once there, please copy the information in the address bar, and send it to us

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