Save money live better quotes

28 Best save money live better quotes in 2020

Since there are no trees growing free cash, no dollar bills raining from the sky into our purses and wallets, most of us live in a world of budgets. But, the good thing is, when you take control of your money, you take control of your life, too. Get useful 28 Best save money live better quotes in 2020.

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Money can be a pretty sweet deal; it can provide you with an exciting lifestyle, glorious things, sometimes a little happiness. The catch? Sometimes there isn’t enough money to go around—and it can only buy you happiness to a certain extent. May be these 28 Best save money live better quotes in 2020 will be useful.

What are the best save money live better quotes?

Here are 28 quotes to inspire you to really appreciate your hard-earned money.

save money live better quotes

“Money is like love; it kills slowly and painfully the one who withholds it, and enlivens the other who turns it on his fellow human.” – Kahlil Gibran

“It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.” —Robert Kiyosaki

Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache.”- Mae West

“Never spend your money before you have earned it.” —Thomas Jefferson

Love is like money… hard to find easy to lose.”— Ally Mbululo

Money and women are the most sought after and the least known about of any two things we have.”— Will Rogers

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.  

While this quote isn’t about money, per se, it is about taking positive steps to make changes, and that’s what we’re all about. If your finances aren’t where you’d like them to be, now is the time to start making changes.

“Money is multiplied in practical value depending on the number of W’s you control in your life: what you do, when you do it, where you do it, and with whom you do it.” —Timothy Ferriss

“It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.” —George Lorimer

save money live better quotes

“A simple fact that is hard to learn is that the time to save money is when you have some.” – Joe Moore

“There is a gigantic difference between earning a great deal of money and being rich.” —Marlene Dietrich

“Money is usually attracted, not pursued.” —Jim Rohn

“If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free. If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.” —Edmund Burke

Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” – Warren Buffett

save money live better quotes

When the fourth wealthiest person in the world talks about money, it makes sense to listen. Known for living simply despite his means, we couldn’t agree more with this bit of advice. If you don’t make putting money away for the future a priority, you’ll never get around to doing it. And when you need it, it won’t be there. Starting and sticking to a savings plan is something you’ll never regret.

“Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are.” —James W. Frick

“If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting.” —Benjamin Franklin

“Many folks think they aren’t good at earning money, when what they don’t know is how to use it.” —Frank A. Clark

“Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.” —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.” —Ayn Rand

“You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.” —Dave Ramsey

“Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.” —P.T. Barnum

“A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart.” —Jonathan Swift

“The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind.” —T.T. Munger

“The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it in your back pocket.” —Will Rogers

The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it”. – Henry David Thoreau

A 19th century American philosopher, poet and academic, Thoreau wore many hats. An advocate of living simply, this quote speaks to his suspicion of focusing too much on worldly possessions. His words still ring true today. Spending a lot of mental energy on worrying about what you (or others) have or don’t have is exhausting. Instead, focus on what matters most to you whether that’s family, friends or your future.

“Money is a guarantee that we may have what we want in the future. Though we need nothing at the moment it insures the possibility of satisfying a new desire when it arises.” —Aristotle

He who buys what he does not need, steals from himself.” – Swedish Proverb

While we don’t know who first said it or exactly when, this is one of our favorites, because it speaks directly to learning the difference between wants and needs. Of course, there are times everyone buys things simply because they want them, and that’s OK. It’s when it becomes a way of life that it puts your financial future in jeopardy. Speaking from experience, thinking of this proverb any time you’re about to make an impulse purchase can be a game changer.  

Never spend your money before you have it.” – Thomas Jefferson

This founding father was onto something when he dropped these wise words. While credit cards didn’t exist in Jefferson’s time, it was still very possible to go into debt. And the inability to pay that debt had heavy consequences, including debtor’s prison. Then and now, spending money you don’t have is never a good idea. If you can’t pay cash for something, save up for it until you can.

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